Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Let’s think through the immigration issue for a minute. What are the issues people are concerned with and what are some reasonable solutions?

National Security – It is a different world than it was on September 10, 2001. We now have experienced & know that there are those in the world who are willing and able to do great harm on a large scale to our nation & institutions. So why is it racist or foolish to build a fence along the border where most illegal aliens enter the country? This has nothing to do with race. It has to do with the fact that people are willing to enter our country illegally. This won’t eliminate the problem any more than locking my car & taking my keys with me assures me that my car will not be stolen or vandalized. But since more unlocked cars are stolen than locked ones, I do what I can to reduce the risk. A fence is expensive. So are the problems we are experiencing from illegal aliens. So build the fence and have some chance at securing the border.

Tax Burden – This seems simple. If you are not here legally, what makes you think you have any right to government benefits of any kind?

Jobs – The truth appears to be that there are a lot of industries that rely upon foreign nationals, legal & otherwise, for manpower. OK. Let’s create a system to permit those workers to enter the country if they are truly needed. But don’t create a system where we all know laws are being broken & wink at it while raising hell that people aren’t upholding the law. You can’t expect respect for law if you selectively enforce it.

Respect for law – Any official of state or local government that does anything that conflicts or interferes with federal law &/or policy with regard to an illegal alien should be subject to federal prosecution.

Changing face of America - The fact of the matter is that the face of America has been in a constant state of change from 1492 to the present. The trick is to make it a smooth and intelligent change. There should be one language. Our public schools should be taught in English. There should also be provision to transition non-English speaking children into fluent English speakers. But a national language is important to a smoothly operating and united nation. There needs to be strict enforcement of voting laws. To claim that requiring that a voter show proof of their right to vote is racist is an indication that you think something is fishy and are using the feared racist label to cover your tracks.
What to do with those that are already here – It is unrealistic to say we want to send them back. But it is unjust to put them in line ahead of those who are willing to respect our laws. My suggestion is that we have an official policy of permitting them to stay & work provided they commit no felony and do not demonstrate against the United States. One felony & they are gone. Three misdemeanors & they are gone. Found in a demonstration against US policy & they are gone. If they want the rights that the United States provides, let them earn those rights legally. If they want to apply for legal status, they must leave & return legally. They get no special path to legal status


Unknown said...

I think immigration is way too difficult. I also think the fence is at the very least a huge waste of money. It is only being built along the flat parts of the border. So the place that seem easier to sneak through, mountains etc. will not have the fence. I also just don't like the idea of the fence.
Asking people to prove they are eligible to vote is fine as long as its everyone

Dick Gale said...

We have grown accustomed to open borders. They are familiar & what we have always had. I don't think we can afford them any longer. The fence is expensive. But so is the military. We don't say it is too expensive so let's get rid of it. And the fence, or some barrier needs to exist along the enitire border, not just where it is easy to build.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.